Safe+ is a high quality liquid spray BSEN 1500/1276 Approved Hand Sanitiser
manufactured to WHO Standards by one of the UK’s Leading Life Science Manufacturers
WHO Hand Sanitiser
A new formulation manufactured to the WHO recommended formulation.
Contains Glycerol which lessens the impact of the alcohol on your skin and hydrogen peroxide as an anti-microbial agent which helps eliminate spores (ie Covid 19), whilst the alcohol sanitises and cleans.

Our Service Aims are Simple…
Quality Assured
BSEN Registered
BSEN 1500, BSEN 1276 and BSEN 14476 Approved
ISO Compliant
Great Service
Here to Help
Great Prices
If we can price match, we will
Fill in the contact form below and a member of our team will get back to you within 24 hours.